We recognize that projects should provoke change in society and not only among project beneficiaries for the duration of the project.
Our Thematic Focus
Soil Protection and Rehabilitation in Western Kenya
The project objectivewasto support soil protection and soil rehabilitation for food nutrition security improvement in Siaya County, Kakamega County and Bungoma Countyof Western Kenya region in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MoALF) and County Departments of Agriculture
Strengthening Entrepreneurial skills for Local Market in Turkana
The project has previously held capacity building activities for MSMEs which proved to be very successful and GIZ would now like to build on what has been done to build the capacity of another 200 MSMEs within Turkana West Sub-County.
This was achieved by equipping selected micro and small enterprises (MSE) with business and entrepreneurial skills to start or scale (grow and expand) their businesses within Turkana West Subcounty.
Development of quality infrastructure for agricultural production (SPQA)
The project design is derived from BMZ’s 2030 strategy and intends to actualize Somalia’s National Development Plan 2020 to 2024 (NDP-9) pillar 3 (economic development).
The project targets the module on “the foundations for increased cultivation, sales and improved regulation of the production of selected, high-quality agricultural products in Somalia have been strengthened.”