The project objective was to support soil protection and soil rehabilitation for food nutrition security improvement in Siaya County, Kakamega County, and Bungoma County of Western Kenya region in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MoALF) and County Departments of Agriculture. The specific objectives of the project were to:
- support small farmers in implementing climate-smart agriculture for soil protection and soil rehabilitation;
- enhance political, institutional, and social anchoring of soil protection and soil rehabilitation;
- enhance knowledge transfer from learning experiences and innovations on soil protection and soil rehabilitation.
Project Description
Service Provided
- Capacity development of implementing partners and farmers in soil protection and rehabilitation including advisory support on productive and financial resources for the implementation of measures to protect and rehabilitate degraded soils.
- Promotion of landscape- and ecosystem-based approaches such as micro-catchment approach, conservation agriculture, push and pull technology and agroforestry.
- Consideration of the do- no- harm and leave- no-one- behind principles.
- Carrying out market analyses of inputs and products for soil and rehabilitation measures including their marketing.
- Participatory planning with the target groups to ensure needs-based project orientation and economic efficiency.
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