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Somalia Project

Sustainet Group Limited (SGL) is excited to work alongside GIZ in the “Support for Agricultural Production and Quality Assurance (SPQA) program.

Opening up Somalia for international agricultural trade and more!

Somalia is still overcoming decades of wars and conflicts. Agriculture has been identified by the Government of Somalia as a critical sector to support economic growth, employment and foreign currency and get into a positive cycle of development. However, the quality of agricultural produce often do not meet the hygiene, phytosanitary and other standards of external markets. The Somali Government is making tremendous progress in improving awareness of quality, good farming and post-harvest practices, and policies to unlock the country’s potential.

Sustainet Group Limited (SGL) is excited to work alongside GIZ in the “Support for Agricultural Production and Quality Assurance (SPQA) program. The program is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and aims to develop and strengthen the foundations for increased cultivation, sales, and improved regulation of production of selected high-quality agricultural products in Somalia. The Somali Bureau of Standards (SoBS) and the Somali Agricultural Regulatory and Inspection Services (SARIS) have been established only recently and institutionally strengthened to play a key role in regulation, testing and quality control.

Support for Agricultural Production and Quality Assurance (SPQA) program

Apart from trade, adhering to standards is a catalyst for productivity increase and better consumer protection

The project team is led by Mr. Said Ali Sheikh and focuses on capacity development of the SOBS and SARIS. This includes setting up a network of well-equipped laboratories with trained staff, which enables testing of agricultural produce to  ensure that it  adheres to international standards for export. Apart from trade, adhering to standards is a catalyst for  productivity increase and better consumer protection.

By laying the foundation of Somali’s quality infrastructure, Somalia can further build its position in global trade. It also addresses the increasing consumer demand for quality and safe products. Consumer awareness is increasing as Somalia’s civil society is increasingly getting engaged in consumer protection with several organisations now pushing the government to establish a fully functional quality infrastructure, which stretches beyond the agri-food sector.

Together with GIZ and our Somalia-based partner Smart Vision for Consultancy and Development, SustaiNet Group is scaling sustainable development and partnering for a strong and resilient agricultural sector in Somalia

By laying the foundation of Somali’s quality infrastructure, Somalia can further build its position in global trade

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